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Installing Rover

The Rover CLI is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Installation Methods

Linux / MacOS installer

To install the latest release of Rover:

curl -sSL | sh

To install a specific version of Rover (recommended for CI environments to ensure predictable behavior):

# Note the `v` prefixing the version number
curl -sSL | sh

If your machine doesn't have the curl command, you can get the latest version from the curl downloads page.

Note: rover supergraph compose is currently not available for Alpine Linux. You can track the progress for supporting this command on Alpine in this issue.

Windows PowerShell installer

To install the latest release of Rover:

iwr '' | iex

To install a specific version of Rover (recommended for CI environments to ensure predictable behavior):

# Note the `v` prefixing the version number
iwr '' | iex

npm installer

Rover is distributed on npm for integration with your JavaScript projects.

devDependencies install

Run the following to install rover as one of your project's devDependencies:

npm install --save-dev @apollo/rover

You can then call rover <parameters> directly in your package.json scripts, or you can run npx -p @apollo/rover rover <parameters> in your project directory to execute commands.

Note: When using npx, the -p @apollo/rover argument is necessary to specify that the @apollo/rover package provides the rover command. See npx's documentation for more information.

Global install

To install rover globally so you can use it from any directory on your machine, run the following:

npm install -g @apollo/rover

Note: If you've installed npm without a version manager such as nvm, you might have trouble with global installs. If you encounter an EACCES permission-related error while trying to install globally, DO NOT run the install command with sudo. This support page has information that should help resolve this issue.

Binary download

You can also download the Rover binary for your operating system and manually add its location to your PATH.

Connecting to Studio

After you install Rover, you should authenticate it with Apollo Studio, because many of its commands communicate with Studio.

Run the following command:

rover config auth

This command instructs you where to obtain a personal API key and helps you set up a configuration profile. For more information, see Configuring Rover.
